With a long history of providing advice to our clients in the education sector, you can rely on WR Partners to provide the specialist experience and knowledge required to not only support the academy/free school in its responsibilities to meet regulatory requirements but also in its development.
The services we provide to academies and free schools include:
- Year-end statutory audit
- Academy Accounts Return completion
- Preparation of accounts in line with the EFSA Accounts Direction and Charity SORP
- Teacher pension EYOC audits
- Grant audits
- Internal Audit services
We also support academies with:
- Budget forecast preparation
- Management accounting and reporting
- Guidance in governance and financial risk management
- Review of financial systems and controls
- Taxation and VAT
- Regular industry update workshops
- Trust growth, including due diligence and integration
- Academy conversion support
Each education establishment is different and has its own unique set of challenges, which is why here at WR Partners we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Our experience of working with education sector clients means we can add significant insight and value to our clients.